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Old 09-14-2011, 10:05 AM
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JCricket JCricket is offline
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My dad got rid of the TV when I was 9. We did not have a tv in the house until my parents divorced when I was 16. I read three novels a week in that time. I am sure it helped me a lot in both school and in college.

In Colorado we have a program in the schools called "AR" - advanced reading. This is a program where the parents have to sign a contract and have the kids read 20 minutes a day(or more). Then the kids take a test on that book at school. They get a grade in AR just like if it was a class at school. Every kid has to achieve so many points to pass. In otherwords, the can take one test and get the points they need, or they can take 50 tests and get the points they need - this is kind of the weekness. It would have been better if they gave an acutal grade(pecent earned per test) and a minimum number of points needed. Still, it is a good idea that just needs a little more tweaking.
Instead of a debate, how about a discussion? I want to learn, I don't care about winning.
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