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Old 03-10-2015, 08:42 AM
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Countryford Countryford is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 126
If you are going to stay with your wife, I would recommend that you go and visit your wife. If your daughter asks if she can go, I would allow her to go. Since your daughter is underage, she will no be able to go alone. She will have to be there with a parent or a legal guardian, mainly you. Being that your wife is in jail, she doesn't count in this sense.

I work in a state prison. I know what the visitation is like there. I can only report what it is like at the state I am in. It may be the same where you are and it may be different. In a lower custody setting, there is a large room/area for visitation. Typically the inmate and their visitors have their own table. The other inmates in that area are there to visit their visitors. They won't be coming over to visit your wife. They could actually get their visit cancelled if they disrupt another inmate's visit. As far as the guards, they are there just observing and checking in the visitors.
Upon entering the facility, you will be searched. You will have to clear a metal detector. I would recommend to have the least amount of metal on you. For your daughter, suggest she wear a bra without an underwire. Those underwires will set the detector off.
If you are still unsure, go by yourself the first time and observe what happens.
7 months may not seem like a long time, but for someone behind bars, it is a long time. They will make friends with the other inmates. Not everyone in prison is a bad person. People make mistakes. Some people get caught for their mistakes.
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