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Old 08-13-2009, 08:43 PM
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OvenMaster OvenMaster is offline
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Posts: 146
I've been doing a lot of thinking over the past day or so.

I've come to a few conclusions. Right or wrong, they are mine.

One is that the senior citizens of this country are not stupid. They would not be able to reach their age without acquired knowledge, life experience, common sense, reading the fine print, instinct, and a healthy dose of skepticism. Senior citizens in this country have my deepest respect. They are our largest collection of living knowledge, as well as the single biggest voting bloc. Legislators that ignore this fact do so at their own peril in 2010.

I have also come to the conclusion that if this health reform bill was truly all that wonderful, beneficial, and great, I'd be seeing a lot more positive press and media coverage on it. I'd be seeing people happy to have it pass quickly and come to fruition.

But I don't.

Think about this for a moment. I mainly see a lot of angry and scared seniors. The only people I see happy about health reform are government and pharmaceutical manufacturers... who are trying to push this bill through with all deliberate speed.

I see a lot of people trying to stop the bill. I see very little in the way of anything that effectively soothes peoples' fears.

That, to me, spells big trouble.

Over the past fifty years of my life, whenever I saw a debate form over political issues, I always paid attention to who would benefit most from the passage a bill.

Anyone who complained would not be benefiting from a bill. Anyone who didn't complain would be in favor of it, usually for very good reason. I can't remember any major bill during my life that was passed that showed this to be wrong.

Do I want health care reform? Yes. Do I want the present bill passed? No. It's far too badly written and flawed. Far too encompassing. Far too secretive.

When my parents are up in arms over something like this, I have to pay attention. I'll freely admit that in most things they are far more knowledgeable and learned than I am. I try to calm them and address their concerns, but it's just about impossible.

A proper, well-crafted, complete bill with the best interests of the citizens of this country at its heart would be generating consensus and praise. Not screaming, death threats, fear, tears, and anger.

I cannot and will not support any proposal -- health care or otherwise -- that makes those I love most in this world cry in fear.

Noonereal, my parents are okay with Medicare. They would like a bit more affordability, however. Even with a great Medicare Advantage plan, their doctor, test, and prescription co-pays put a nice-sized dent in their finances.

Last edited by OvenMaster; 08-13-2009 at 08:46 PM.
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