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Old 03-01-2012, 11:51 AM
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d-ray657 d-ray657 is offline
Loyal Opposition
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Johnson County, Kansas
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Why does everyone on the right forget that 40% of the stimulus package was tax cuts. Did you not see the Making Work Pay tax credit? The payroll tax cuts put money in working people's pockets every week. Employers were given tax incentives to hire people. Much of the stimulus also went to unemployment benefits, which put money back in the economy. Were you not aware of any of that money that was given back to the people, Bill. Remember also that the stimulus package was the first priority. It was passed before any health care legislation.

I am disappointed with the form the health care reform package finally took. It became a bad example of sausage making. As a lot of people here believe, we would have been better with a single payer plan, but there was no way the GOP would allow the "Kenyan Soci@list" to pass such a broad plan. That would have created significant relief for employers, who would no longer have to compete for employees by providing health benefits - the cost of which they had little control over. While I would have preferred that Obama push harder for single payer, I have to believe that he had a better grasp on political reality than I do. The package did achieve some reforms, and might be something that could be built on. At a personal level, I'm glad that, as a result of the reform, we are still able to provide medical coverage to my 22 and 24 year old sons.


Then I'll get on my knees and pray,
We won't get fooled again; Don't get fooled again
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