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Old 03-01-2012, 11:20 AM
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Originally Posted by merrylander View Post
The Republicans will vote for him if for no other reason that they hate Obama. However, with him running so far to the right the independents will either stay home or vote for Obama. Either way the GOP has shot themselves in both feet/

Yes Merry,

The Republican Party doesn't seem to have a viable candidate.

But before you hang everyone that wants Obama out of Office, remember he did it his way !

With America on the verge of a Depression, what did he spend all of his first year on ? A Health Care Plan, and one that no one understood or knew what it would cost. This at a time that business needed stability and certainty. Thus causing any one that had hopes of expanding, to hold off until this HCP was understood. NO NEW JOBS.

Then he spends almost a Trillion Dollars on "SHOVEL READY PROJECTS" that just were not shovel ready. Hell, if he just gave that money out to each of the American people it would have been a greater stimulus than anything that he did in his PORK BARRELED STIMULUS PACKAGE.

Hell Merry, when he first entered the Presidential Race, I was ready and willing to vote for him, he espoused many things that I am strongly in favor of, and heaven knows how badly we do need change in government. But what did he give us ? Even More of the SAME OLD BULL SHIT ! And 70+ Tzar's to boot.
No Merry, I do not hate anyone, just their lies and deceptions. If BO just began to CHANGE Washington as he promised, and spent more time on JOBS, instead of his HCP, I would be singing his praises, as I did have HOPE FOR HIM AT ONE TIME! But lie to me ounce, shame on you, lie to me twice, shame on me. His Faith, Hope and CHANGE flew right out of the window.

Osama Bin Laden is in Chicago wearing a hoodie. And General Motors is dying.
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