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Old 06-14-2020, 09:59 PM
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Originally Posted by TryToFindmid View Post
Wow can I relate to you for a number of reasons.

I swear Im not BSing when I say I feel Im "on the spectrum" as is often said these days.

I hate filters and feel they are a big part of the down fall of civil discourse. And Im not bashful about it. What a shock.

I often substitute autism and asperger unintentionally and feel in reading the various definitions they seem to share a fair amount in common. But clearly there are differences.

When you wrote that to me it instantly reminded me of a story Penn Jillette told on a Rogan sit down. Im going to butcher it as its been so long. But I loved it as much as Penn did. In a nut shell an assistant of his who had one of said conditions wrote him a get well card that within he said something to the effect of, Id say I was worried of your getting back to normal but I know you hate dishonesty so I look forward to you getting back.

I do apologize if this in any comes off odd to you. But I love Penn's love of his honesty. And feel the same way. I just spent the last 15 mins trying to find said moment in this clip I wanna say he told this story in. Penn is one of the most interesting people to have sit downs with Rogan. The conversation goes all over the road map and it never gets dull. I encourage all here to have a listen. And he dives into his experience being on Apprentice with Trump. It doesnt matter if you hate or are a supporter. Penn's description is a real eye opener. And I totally get what he is saying and the actions seem apparent.

My now 5+ year relationship with my girlfriend who suffers major social anxiety disorders has also taught me allot. She absolutely HATES having to be around crowds/people and is super insecure of many things. Its so funny in its own way as Im the total opposite and enjoy such things to a point. And talk about anything with anyone. Id say Im allot like Larry David in his show Curb your Enthusiasm. And Im fully aware I dont fit in the norm. But Im ok with it. So me and the GF are an odd pairing indeed. But we both love each other and enjoy each others social anomalies.
Summary of Penn Jillette commentary.
I'll believe corporations are people when Texas executes one.
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