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Old 06-02-2009, 03:07 PM
Charles Charles is offline
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Religion in schools

Originally Posted by Combwork View Post
This is kind of off topic, but there could be a connection. I've read that in American public schools, the teaching of ANY religion is banned; this ban being taken seriously enough so that any teacher breaking it even just once can lose their job. How does this square with some schools being so hard-line Christian that 'creationism' is taught as fact?

I could have got the above completely wrong. I'm in the U.K. so can only go by what I've read; just looking for informed opinion and trying to reconcile what seems like two contradictory rules.
I think it depends where you are, as the School Board has the final say, pretty much.

I don't think our local teachers are overtly Christian, but they probably don't get hired if they're anti Christian. Now if one of them were to suggest that too much money is spent on the football program, they would most likely be burned at the stake.

As a local businessman, I make a point of not being critical of the "sacred cows". In America, people practice economic genocide. And if you prove them wrong, they blame you.

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