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Old 07-17-2023, 08:16 AM
Ike Bana Ike Bana is offline
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Originally Posted by BlueStreak View Post
Remember when, several years ago, our friend Whell began bleating and babbling how Affirmative Action and the Civil Rights movement was discriminatory against white people? I accused him of trying to play up the notion of White victimhood and predicted that eventually right-wing propagandists would latch on to the idea and start pushing it in the media.......

Well, here we are with millions of jerks all over the social media complaining that they and their offspring have been ruined for life supposedly because of opportunities denied them and "handed out" to Black folks simply over skin color. Fancy this, the party of self reliance creating the obviously false narrative of "reverse racism" and using it to get support from people who would probably never pass a college entrance exam anyways, if they even bothered to try.

I remember when the guy in my class who got the biggest college grant, $50,000 (1982 Dollars) to go to Ohio State and so DUMB he could barely read. Hardly ever even showed up for class. But, he was our 2nd best football player and he was white, his Dad was rich and an obnoxious pain in the ass so, he got the prize. Our class Valedictorian got less and our best athlete by far, LeRoy Wilson, got nothing because he was Black. LeRoy could read and got decent grades BTW. Not that it mattered, apparently.

But yeah, we white folks have been treated horribly, especially the rich ones. Just ask Tucker Carlson, he'll be more than happy to tell you all about it.
In three years this country will be 250 years old. It seems to me that for pretty much all of this 250 years, white christians have had all of the power, all of the control, all of the authority, and all of the benefits of citizenship in this country. ALL THE BENEFITS...ALL OF IT. What did white christians do with all this for the past 250 years? They did their best to deny any of it, certainly to anywhere near the level that they enjoyed it, to any citizen of this country who was not a white christian.

Has it changed at all? Perhaps a little with the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. But the white supremacists managed to find ways around a lot of that. It changed some starting with the 1992 Presidential election, and the fact that beginning in 1992, to the present, the Republican Party candidate has won the popular vote once in eight elections. And American Jews have managed to work their way into positions of control of financial institutions and big business. But that hasn't done much to shake out the white supremacist stranglehold on the benefits, control, and manipulation of American citizenship. Maybe some during the Obama years, but not enough, and pretty much what the Obama years did, more than anything else, was to activate the white supremacist populism that began in 2016, with the election of the Trump Criminal Enterprise.

So...the white christians have pretty much had it all for 250 years, they laid back in their barcaloungers with their feet up, drinking it in, taking it for granted that it was always gonna be theirs basking in their bullshit entitlement to owning and running it all.

And now that there has been a small reversal here and there, all we hear about is how they're victims and the want "christ put back in christmas", they want their noses in the reproductive organs of American women, and they want to celebrate our democratized gun carnage for another 250 years.

Yeah well...fuck that, and fuck all of you and the horse you rode in on.

Last edited by Ike Bana; 07-17-2023 at 08:20 AM.
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