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Old 02-19-2015, 01:14 PM
Ike Bana Ike Bana is offline
Join Date: Nov 2013
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Originally Posted by Boreas View Post
How and why am I wrong? Because you say so?

No, Ike. I've already said that Thimerosol has been removed from childhood vaccines. The problem (potentially) is that Thimerosol-preserved vaccines are still administered to pregnant women.

See above. See also the post linked to above re: single-dose vaccines.

You mean like a concentration camp? Figures you'd take that approach rather than the slightly less draconian one of compulsory vaccination.

You sick fuck.

What Kennedy asserts is that Thimerosal, not vaccines, is a potential cause of autism. He bases this on studies and information from scientists, many of whom possess credentials which may even rival your own.
Exactly like a concentration camp. The child of a parent who refuses to get their children vaccinated is no less dangerous to other children than a serial killer. And hey!!! I take pride in being a sick

Kennedy can assert it all he likes about Thimerosal. What Jr. has are his assertions, or maybe his education from fellow headcase conspiracy theorist, tit model and former member of "The View" talking heads all at one time...Jenny McCarthy. I'm going with scientific method...and unless and until he provides some scientific method, he can spew his wackjob conspiracy theories all day long. Since...

In June 2005, Kennedy authored an article in Rolling Stone and alleging a government conspiracy to cover up connections between the vaccine preservative thimerosal and childhood autism. The article contained a number of factual errors, leading to issue five corrections and ultimately to retract the article completely on January 16, 2011. The retraction was motivated by accumulating evidence of errors and scientific fraud underlying the vaccine-autism claim. Previous to this retraction, sometime in 2010, Rolling Stone had also deleted Kennedy's article from their archives without explanation. As of January 2011, the original, uncorrected, version of the article was still posted on Kennedy’s website, including his factual errors which Salon had corrected. go ahead and go with Jr. and Jenny. PFFFFffffffftttttt.......

PS-You're no more wrong because I say so than I am because you say so.

Last edited by Ike Bana; 02-19-2015 at 01:35 PM.
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