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Old 03-23-2014, 05:53 PM
4-2-7 4-2-7 is offline
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Originally Posted by BlueStreak View Post
^Straight from the Rush Limbaugh talking points instruction manual, my friend.^

I don't want their money, I want opportunity for the American worker, fair and equitable opportunity, not the "You'll have to take what I feel like paying because you need me more than I need you. And I'm an insufferable tightwad.", kind of arse banging they're offering.

And, I'm sick and tired of listening to their damned whining about taxes. The taxes they pay are not hurting them. that's nothing but pure, unmitigated BS. If this were the case, they wouldn't have gotten rich in the first place. Hell, the friggin' crybabies don't even pay what they are asked to pay, get away with it and still bitch.

Reagan and the Bushes gave them their candy ass tax cuts and they want more, like screaming little brats reaching for the cookie jar. If we give them another round of cuts, next year, they'll start their crying and demand more. Don't give the little shits what they demand and they put people in the unemployment line and trash the economy. They have become little more than spoiled punks who do next to nothing for us anymore. So why should we give a shit, anymore?

You're the ignorant one who refuses to deal with reality. Not me. I see the game. It's like our wealthy have formed their own union to demand that which they have no need for....FROM US.



PS, I do and always have worked, you assumptive, ass kissing shithead.
Dave your making it damn if they do damn if they don't. If they pull their money off the table you don't like it. If they invest and hire you don't like how much they might pay. I wouldn't invest my money either.

I have a thought get off your ass pull your money out of stocks. Get a business going and listen to some ingrate dick weed tell you that they wan't more money lol.
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