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Old 02-08-2017, 04:44 PM
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donquixote99 donquixote99 is offline
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Originally Posted by Tom Joad View Post
I agree.

The only difference is in which side we think will win.

It's going to be my side.

The Commies.
What commies? The commies aren't on the field, they aren't even anywhere.

It's a two-part problem First, the left is totally disorganized, doesn't believe in much, beyond 'be nice, don't hate, take care of everyone, good laws fairly applied are swell,' some stuff like that. They aren't commies, don't know what commies are, and will never be commies.

Second, if they were commies, and they fought and won a communist revolution, that would suck too. The more radical a revolution, the more it concentrates power at the top, and power concentrated at the top is tyranny, and tyranny equals megadeath, everywhere and always. Look what the Russians got for all their blood and death struggle.

'The commies rescuing us' is a fantasy about on a par with 'an army of pastel ponies rescuing us.'
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