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Old 08-17-2012, 04:59 PM
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Originally Posted by ebacon View Post
That's just name calling. Want me to start? I'm good at it.
I thought you already had. I try to avoid name calling; however, the multiple posts here that assailed, deservedly or not, Ayn Rand, I found a bit over the top. If you disagree with her, admittedly sophomoric philosophy, fine, but calling her names and casting her to the flames doesn't elucidate what's wrong with her position.

Yes there are opposing groups to ARI. OWS comes to mind, but they are not as well organized and well financed.

A feeble minded thinker might say that the churches have a lot of money. But that would be forgetting that churches can't speak on political topics without jeopardizing their tax-exempt status.
That might technically be true, but churches still have a significant impact on politicians and certainly have influence on legislation. How about the left leaning think tanks? They would seem to offer a counterveiling viewpoint to the nefarious ARI.

On the other hand ARI gets to maintain its tax exempt status while being funded by the banks to go into schools and push atheism and dog-eat-dog onto kids.
Are you equally against groups promoting collectivist causes in our nominally secular schools or just non-liberal causes?
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