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Old 02-14-2021, 10:49 PM
Reason10 Reason10 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2021
Location: Florida
Posts: 298
I've lived in Canada since 1976, now in a suburb of Toronto, a city that has immigrants from 226 different countries... the most international city in the world. I own my home free and clear, my wife and I travel extensively and gas costs $3.24 a US gallon after adjusting for exchange rates. Retired one year ago but when I was working 44% of my income went to taxes: which included federal, provincial, property and 13% retail taxes. BTW minimum wage is $15.

I've tried to tell some of my fellow Floridians (the ones who become totally helpless in what little cold snaps we get here) to just try to imagine living in Toronto in January. They just look at me in awe. But I tell them that in that oppressive cold and endless blizzard conditions, people move about and conduct business every day like it's normal.

Florida just passed a $15 an hour minimum wage through the direct referendum system. (Our legislature isn't nearly as stupid as to pass such an idiotic law.) So stupid people will be laid off from menial jobs and not get hired in situations where their skills are not worth $15 an hour. And people EVEN IN FLORIDA have trouble understanding that.

Unlike most Americans who've never left their state I've defended the US and most of it's policies throughout southern Europe, north Africa, the Balkans and yes, Canada. I am proud to be an American.

Well, technically, you are a North American. As far as most Americans having never left their state, I'm not sure how accurate a statement that is. I'm not saying it isn't true, because it might be. I'm just not sure. Personally I've been to Quebec, Mexico, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Grand Caymans, and the Bahamas. I enjoyed Mexico probably the most (probably because of the beer) but I'd be an idiot if I ever thought of living there.

As for Trump, look at the man and his past and be thankful he's not around for another 4 years.

When you compare Trump's past to that of serial rapists like Bill KKKlinton, or serial pedophiles and Nazis like Jim Crow Joe, or incompetent community organizers like Obama, Trump wins on every count. But let's just not talk about the past. Let's judge these men SOLELY on their accomplishments. So far, Trump has given America the greatest economy, four years of PEACE in the world with no new wars (a FIRST for both parties) and a level of patriotism not seen since the Reagan years.

America is about to take it up the ass with this Nazi who stole the election.
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