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Old 06-15-2015, 07:28 PM
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finnbow finnbow is online now
Reformed Know-Nothing
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The OP implies some sort of caste system. While the results may, in some instances, resemble a caste system, the causes are far more complex and nuanced. Educated parents (and those of certain cultures) tend to value education and a good education is a ticket-punch to success in our society.

As to me, the hardest job I ever had was exempt from minimum wage and overtime laws. I crawled...yes, crawled, under the hot sun, from one end of the field to the other, over and over, every day. 12 plus hours. Up at dawn, literally. What's a weekend?

The easiest job I ever had put me among the top 2%.
Nobody disputes that digging ditches in the hot sun is easier than a sedentary white-collar job. And that's the exact reason that one should get a good education.
As long as the roots are not severed, all will be well in the garden.
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