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Old 08-08-2012, 01:59 PM
mezz mezz is offline
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Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 543
Is anything his fault?

This president hasn't allowed the buck to stop here or anywhere near since he's taken office. Who are they kidding and what exactly are they trying to communicate with this latest ad about Joe Soptic? Is something other than Obama's dismal economy to blame for Joe losing his job and is something other than an injury to blame for his wife losing hers?... and what does any of it have to do with her dying from cancer when she was diagnosed at stage 4. There was nothing they could do for her. Insurance wouldn't have saved her anyway and the fact is that she didn't have health insurance on Obama's watch anyway.

Are these Obama people stupid or are they just smart enough to know that it is only the stupid who they can get to vote for Obama with such an outrageous campaign that hasn't yet produced reason one why anyone should actually cast a vote for Obama and/or his continued running of the country?

... and some of you wonder why I call Obama supporting liberals stupid.
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