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Old 03-06-2011, 03:43 PM
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Originally Posted by d-ray657 View Post
Pete, I think we agree here. The use of SS funds is a disgrace. The inability of the public and the politicians to understand that we can't have it all and not pay for any of it means that there are plenty to share the blame.

But if the solution to this mess is going to be to cut social security as an "entitlement" because we can't afford to pay the IOU's, the social contract has been broken. Too many politicians and wonks are throwing around the word "entitlement" as if it means the exact opposite - that those who are scheduled to receive the benefits somehow don't deserve them. SS is not a charity program - it is something that we have invested in, that previous generations have invested in and that following generations should continue to invest in.

Where I expect we differ slightly is that I believe the biggest share of this bill should be borne by those who have benefited most by the social contract - those who have accumulated the most wealth.


You know if we actually called it what it is - Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) then maybe folks would not get their knickers in a twist. Say you buy fire insurance and your house burns down, would you call the check from the insurance company an entitlement, would you imply that it is charity?

During the depression our parents and grandparent did a better job of maintaining the infrastructure than we have, but we sure as hell took advantage of that infrastructure. Still some loudmouthed politico will insist that looking after those who helped build this country is an unfair burden (well they think it would be if they could not pass the bill to their kids).

Sandy was right - we started circling the bowl when we decided to make money with money instead of making money making things. We let the economists and people like Phil Gramm game the system. I equate an economist with the friendly tea leaf reader at the church social.

As for folks who believe that free markets (not that we have had a free market since 1789) are self regulating, they probably were followers of that Jones chappy.(Gah, I hate kool aid).
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