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Old 09-16-2015, 03:06 PM
Ike Bana Ike Bana is offline
Join Date: Nov 2013
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The CNN Debate/Trump Is The Boss

Reckon if there will be questions challenging Trump's complete ignorance of most issues one deals with as President. His lack of knowledge is pretty remarkable. So far when confronted with this he says he will "hire" people with the information.

But here's the thing about Trump. He's the boss. He takes input from nobody. He even talks about this issue like a boss. He's "hiring" people to work for him. He isn't arranging for staff to consult with. Trump consults with nobody. You are either working for Trump or working against Trump. No consulting allowed. That is the limit of Trump's professional relationships. He's worse than Jobs. At least Jobs rarely sued anybody. Don't go along with everything Donald wants and he'll have you in court for the rest of your life. Or if you're Secretary of State, Defense, Health and Human Services, etc., and don't comply immediately..."you're fired."

And yet...nobody confronts him on this. Not the reporters, not the interviewers, not even his opponents in debate. It's unbelievable.
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