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Old 01-18-2010, 03:01 PM
noonereal noonereal is offline
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Originally Posted by Boreas View Post
Noone, your post could almost have been mine.

I live in "wine country" too. The area is still pretty rural with a lot of open space and even some more or less wild lands still to enjoy. Like your area, we have a lot of the same gourmet foods produced locally and the wineries are great patrons of the arts.

The little town of Healdsburg has a world class (but not world reknowned) jazz festival every year that lasts a couple of weeks. The impetus behind it is several winery families in the area. Other wineries hold concerts throughout the year.

We have Marin County to act as a buffer between us and San Francisco. That protects us from urban sprawl but we're still close enough to get there for the symphony or museums, etc. Best of both worlds.

This is some of the prettiest country on the planet. There are hills and mountains, some bare save for a scattering of black or live oak, some cloaked in coastal redwoods. The ocean is never farther than an hour away.

The weather is pretty fantastic. Never gets really hot and never really cold. From April to October we get no rain at all, just six solid months of perfect days. For the second six months we get enough rain for things to grow.

I am less than an hour from Bethel Woods (site of the Woodstock concert) and the town of Woodstock (artists community) where Levon Helm plays in his home/auditorium most weeks.

Still, for retirement I might just find me a small city to settle in.
I kinda like Albany very affordable in the city proper and all the conveyances of both the suburbs and city.
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