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Old 02-03-2019, 09:38 AM
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Originally Posted by whell View Post
So, what's the difference here? Byrd was forgiven for ACTUALLY BEING IN THE KLAN. Northam has apologized for being in a photo - either dressed in KKK garb or blackface we're not sure. Byrd - it could be argued - engaged in far worse than Northam, and Obama called him a true champion and "a voice of principle and reason."

Byrd's name still appears on myriad buildings in his honor, and Northam is on the verge of being thrown under a bus.

Things that make you go hmmmmm.....
Again, as a dedicated MAGAMoron, you have no standing to judge anyone else's morality or actions/standing on racism - period. That said, I think the Democrats' reaction to Northam, as was true with Al Franken, is largely driven by their outspoken and righteous abhorrence of Trump's racism and misogyny. It puts them in a difficult spot to criticize Trump's present-day rampant racism/misogyny while seemingly tolerating it on their side (notwithstanding the fact that Northam's and Franken's transgressions occurred before they went into public service, whereas Trump's (or Steve King's or Corey Stewart's) continue to this day).

In effect, they threw Franken and Northam under the bus in order to maintain the moral high ground in their criticism of Trump's myriad racist and misogynistic transgressions (the moral high ground that you lack in your criticism of the long-deceased Byrd's actions from decades ago). They're aware that it would appear hypocritical to criticize Trump's racism and misogyny, unlike you who is ignorantly unaware of how hypocritical it appears to praise all things Trump while criticizing others whose faults pale in comparison to his.

Sorry, Republicans. You can’t call out Northam for racism and give Trump a pass.

Speaking of GOP hypocrisy, the Virginia GOP, who called on Northam to resign, previously accused him of betraying his heritage for supporting Confederate monument removal.
As long as the roots are not severed, all will be well in the garden.

Last edited by finnbow; 02-03-2019 at 10:35 AM.
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