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Old 05-30-2018, 11:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Rajoo View Post
The Mueller investigation has been made political by GOP sycophants like Freedumbshits, Nunes and other Dotard brown noser's. Also from Dotard's tweets such Democrats colluded with the Russians (to help defeat Hillary? ), or Hillary should be investigated (for losing? ), Obama spied on the Trump campaign etc. Isn't Trump also claiming that 13 of Mueller's investigators are Democrats and thus the investigation is political?
Mueller and his team are conducting a politically motivated criminal investigation. It’s a criminal investigation because that’s the FBI’s job. It’s politically motivated because the establishment is out to get the anti-establishment populist who managed to get himself elected president. Most American politicians represent the establishment, especially on the national level, and as such they are an important part of our nation’s establishment. Both sides of Senate’s aisle are pretty much establishment. In the House there are some somewhat anti-establishment members, a bit more so on the Republican side. Trump represents a threat to the establishment’s status quo which is why they are out to get him.

How did we end up with this anti-establishment populist in our highest office? Donald Trump has hated the elitist NY establishment for a long time; he’s anti-establishment to his core. Clothing himself in populist garb, aided greatly by what he learned in becoming a reality TV star, he stole the Republican nomination, much to the party’s chagrin. The GOP has only itself to blame. Prior to 1968 both parties had their fair share of racists, but with the passage of the Civil Rights Act and the GOP welcoming the rejected Southerners with open arms, the GOP found itself a winning combination. With the advent of political correctness, the politically incorrect who weren’t already voting Republican due to their racism became more ballot fodder for GOP candidates. It was Trump’s ability to sway this key Republican constituency that earned him the candidacy.

So we now have an anti-establishment populist President who threatens the establishment’s status quo. Any wonder they’re out to get him. Trump is correct that Mueller is conducting a witch hunt because from the establishment’s perspective he is a witch. Burn him!
"We have met the enemy and he is us."

Last edited by nailer; 05-31-2018 at 12:06 AM.
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