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Old 03-29-2015, 09:49 AM
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Originally Posted by whell View Post
Still waiting for anyone to take a shot at answering the question above. General Flynn, Defense Intelligence Director up until about a year ago, was on TV this morning and stated that he's confused, and has no doubt that foreign leaders in the region are confused, about just what our policy and objectives are in the region.

Meanwhile, Iran is apparenlty on the march in the region, the Saudis see Iran as on the offensive, and has built its own colaition of Sunni states to fight a proxy war in Yemen and elsewhere.

Yet, we're negoiating with Iran like a deal with Iran is our number one foreign policy goal? A deal that may not be enforcable or truly binding?

The short answer to your question is "I have no fucking idea!"

It could be argued that we should back away from helping the Saudis in Yemen since, apart from anything else, the Houthis have proven to be the only force able to get the upper hand on AQAP and have also done well against ISIS.

The Hadi government has left the country so, essentially, the Houthis are in charge now. If they're defeated, the power vacuum left in Yemen may cause it to fall to the (Saudi-backed) Sunni terrorists. It's a fucking mess and there are no good answers.

Smoke me a kipper. I'll be back for breakfast.
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