Thread: Mueller Time?
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Old 03-26-2019, 07:26 AM
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Dondilion Dondilion is offline
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Originally Posted by Ike Bana View Post
If Trump's approval rating goes skyrocketing over 50% due to the Mueller report, as I expect it will, it is only additional confirmation that the country is more than half full of assholes. So it's our country, so it's packed with assholes. The only option is to find a better country...and there are plenty of those. Countries where women, LGBTQ, minorities, non-Christians, and other oppressed people, don't have to battle day after day to maintain their rights. Countries where six-year olds are not gunned down in their classrooms. Countries where, when innocent people are gunned down, something is fucking done about it right opposed to here where the firearms mass carnage incidents started five decades ago and not a fucking thing has been done about it. Countries that don't have eleven active aircraft carrier strike groups. Countries where everybody including the rich contribute in proportion to their wealth. COUNTRIES WHERE THE PRIMARY CAUSE OF INDIVIDUAL BANKRUPTCY IS NOT FUCKING MEDICAL DEBT.

I could go on for a long time, but I'm sure y'all get my goddamn drift.
And why so many from all corners of the earth use every means legal and illegal to settle in such a country?
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