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Old 07-05-2009, 07:58 AM
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Kamakiri Kamakiri is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 117
The only things that people will buy in a depressed economy no matter how hard the times get, are food, gas, utilities, alcohol, and crystal meth.

Unless you make a good bathtub gin or run a drug lab, every other business is a roll of the dice.

The best way to start a business is to capitalize on an emergent technology and create a demand for it. Back in the depression, it was radio. The first radio sets that weren't clunky, messy (read battery acid), and difficult to operate debuted in 1928 with the RCA Radiola 60 (if memory serves). Philco made it very big by condensing all of the componentry into a small space that could fit on a table using cheaper woods, and calling it a "cathedral radio". That was 1931.

Nothing like that on our horizon. Oh, but there was the prospect of war.....
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