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Old 04-12-2024, 05:05 PM
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Rajoo Rajoo is offline
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This is a very interesting and revealing article on abortion in this country going back to the early 1,800's. And believe it or not, its the AMA who back then was exclusively white Protestant males who decided they wanted to control abortions, not women midwives. Of course, they eventually deemed abortions as wrong because the wrong color of babies were born, whereas the desired ones were being aborted. History repeats itself and I am not posting this to play the race card, just that the background story is fascinating.

But strikingly, a major catalyst of abortion bans being enacted across the country was the emergence of organized and professionalized medicine, historians say.

After the American Medical Association, which would eventually become the largest doctors’ organization in the country, formed in 1847, its members — all male and white at that time — sought to curtail medical activities by midwives and other nondoctors, most of whom were women. Pregnancy termination methods were often provided by people in those vocations, and historians say that was one reason for the association’s desire to ban abortion.
Later, the association published “Why Not? A Book for Every Woman,” also written by Dr. Storer, which said that abortion was immoral and criminal and argued that married women had a moral and societal obligation to have children.
The story itself is not that compelling as to the fact that history does repeat itself.
White Christian Nationalism:
Freedom for us, order for everyone else, and violence for those who transgress.
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