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Old 02-28-2010, 10:17 PM
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VinylHanger VinylHanger is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2009
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I'm in the club. 6 weeks unemployed here. It was a bit different in my case as we ended up shutting the whole shop down, 9 of us gone on the same day. We knew it was coming and pretty much picked the day we wanted to end it.

I'm actually enjoying the fact that I can turn this ship of my life into a new direction. I'm spending lots of time with my daughter and my wife when she's not working, so it ain't all bad.

The thing that will get us through is that we pretty much don't have any real bills these days, and moved into a rental that is half the rent of our old place, and as an added bonus, it's nicer too. If we need to we can drop all the fun stuff: sattelite, internet, etc. and get by even easier, but with unemployment and my wife working, we should be fine. I have slowed pretty much all my hobby spending these days and just concentrate on the basics. Not a bad place to be. Hopefully it will be a short vacation and I'll be back making money again, but I'm trying to look at it with a positive outlook.
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