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Old 02-06-2018, 02:04 PM
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finnbow finnbow is offline
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Originally Posted by whell View Post
...Hmmm...quite a difference from how the Committee as a whole voted on the Nunes memo. Don't think a single Dem voted to release it, but interesting that the Repubs are open to getting Schiffty's memo out. Can't wait to read it, and then see how the mainstream press (and you guys) try to spin it.
Talk about spin. The ridiculous Nunes memo should have never been released. If the GOP members of the Intelligence Committee actually cared about FISA as they claim to, they would have discussed these issues a couple of weeks ago during FISA re-authorization (where they voted with Trump to support it) rather than use it as a red herring to provide cover for their Dear Leader in the Russia probe. Moreover, the secret issues would have been discussed in a bipartisan manner behind closed doors with the FBI and DOJ.

The Democrats (and the FBI and DOJ) did not support the release of the Nunes memo because it painted a contrived and distorted narrative harmful to the intelligence community and the nation's security. Releasing the Democratic memo (which, BTW, was reviewed by the FBI and DOJ for accuracy and classification purposes per prescribed procedure unlike Nunes' fiction) was forced upon the Democrats by the unsavory, dangerous and ridiculous effort of Nunes and his tinfoil hat conspirators.

Nunes' memo was written precisely for gullible partisans like you who get their news from Fox News, talk radio and far-right websites. Trump needs to keep his (ignorant) base fired up because if they abandon him, he's as good as impeached. If you read real news (and not the fake garbage you think is news), you'd know that the three major claims of the Nunes memo have all been fully discredited (the dossier was the primary driver for the FISA warrant, the dossier was the cause of the FBI's Russia inquiry, and the FISA judge wasn't told the dossier was the product of political actors).
As long as the roots are not severed, all will be well in the garden.

Last edited by finnbow; 02-06-2018 at 02:10 PM.
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