Thread: Cap and trade
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Old 06-27-2009, 06:15 PM
noonereal noonereal is offline
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It is your link and it shows 3 scientists that have a similar view to the one you expressed.

My first thought would be to say,
Dude? What are you talking about? Why are cons always so angry? You people are the biggest bunch of self hating, whiny, "poor me" ball babies the world has ever seen. I can't imagine wasting my life being so miserable. Get over yourselves.

Instead I'll just ask,
Would anyone disagree that Palin got thousands upon thousands of votes from people who had not a clue about the goings on in the world?

disclaimer: I do not believe people who tend to support an agenda that is right of center are angry, self hating, whinny or ball babies. I further do not believe that thousands upon thousands of votes had not a clue because they voted for Palin. These two statement are simply used to illustrate how partisan rhetorical commentary can be very hypocritical.

Last edited by noonereal; 06-27-2009 at 06:34 PM. Reason: Add disclaimer
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