Thread: WikiLeaks
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Old 11-29-2010, 09:47 PM
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finnbow finnbow is offline
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I'm no fan of Julian Assange's antics nor of the possible ramifications of him publishing the leaks, but I think the DOJ's is off base considering a criminal prosecution. It's the US government who put all this info at the fingertips of a friggin' Army private who leaked it. One of the first rules of securing information is that it can only be accessed by those with the appropriate clearances and the "need to know." Why in the world did this Army private have the need to know the contents of diplomatic cables?

To answer your question more directly, we shouldn't do anything to Assange. But we should clean up the systems that allowed him access to these materials. From what I've read thus far, there's nothing in the State Dep't. materials that directly threaten our security. They just embarrass us, more for the fact that we don't keep our diplomatic records appropriately protected than for the contents themselves.
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