Thread: Inside Job
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Old 03-27-2011, 02:32 PM
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Originally Posted by JonL View Post
I just wish people on both sides of an argument would stop doing that. I'm tired of defending against strawman arguments and responding to posts that use inflammatory and derogatory names as shorthand for imagined evils in an attempt to distract from a substantive discussion.

I agree wholeheartedly. I'm really astonished that the tea party movement, which seems to have started or at least gained traction since the financial meltdown and subsequent gov't bailouts, is manipulated by corporate interests to such an extent that these tea partiers want less government oversight of the people who caused the mess in the first place. Sure, the bailout was highly unpleasant and probably handled poorly. And sure, the government is at fault for not having effective regulation... BUT the major reason the regulations have been ineffective is that the govt is in the pockets of the industries it's supposed to regulate... just like the tea party is now. Instead of the tea party being a force for positive change in gov't, they're just a force to accelerate the rush towards corporate control of government which, by the way, is pretty close to the definition of facism.
Absolutely! And that's what makes the whole thing such a massive farce.

The government regulators have been corrupted by corporate lobbyists whose corrupt bosses tanked the economy. So, obviously the answer is to just get the regulators out of the way entirely, rather than make the system tighter and more efficient? Because the guys who made this mess have some (perceived) constitutional right to do things as they darn well see fit?

So, a thief robs your house, burns it down and kills your dog while you were on vacation because your security system didn't work. The only logical conclusion is that ALL security systems are bogus? And the answer is to remove the system, take all of the locks out of the house and leave the doors standing open, because the perpetrator says he hates pesky locks and alarms and that it's impossible for him to hire more thugs if he can't make money robbing people? The mentality is incredible. It truly is.

"When the lie is so big and the fog so thick, the Republican trick can play out again....."-------Frank Zappa
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