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Old 09-27-2012, 07:50 PM
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BlueStreak BlueStreak is offline
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When I first saw the name Mia Love, I thought this was a thread about a porn star....................

Interesting how people continue to associate the right with the Klan and Nazis, despite the rights best efforts to live down the image. Maybe there's something to it?

To answer your question;

It's because they don't give a shit about her. She's a Republican.
Secretly, I'm sure they all feel the same way about her that the freak who sent her that disgusting mail does, heck, a lot of people probably do. They just have too much decency to express it in the same graffic and depraved way. So, they say nothing.

Kind of like the way the right did when that idiot Palin put crosshai......Oh, my bad-"surveyors marks"........on the electoral map. Or, when morons at Tea Party rallies showed up with overtly racist pickets and insulting caricatures of Obama. Or, the recent spate of "lynched" chairs.

Amazing what you'll overlook when it's your nutcase, isn't it, JBS?

"When the lie is so big and the fog so thick, the Republican trick can play out again....."-------Frank Zappa

Last edited by BlueStreak; 09-27-2012 at 07:53 PM.
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