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Old 12-16-2023, 12:36 AM
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Rajoo Rajoo is offline
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I think there is a misconception in people that those in Rudy's universe which includes Trump actually believe that the 2020 election was stolen and that they were trying to correct a wrong. In reality they figured out that if they keep repeating that the election was stolen, they will find a large enough audience in the MAGA world. In fact they found a larger audience than they could have ever imagined including more than half of the GOP House members.

This has translated to millions and millions of money raised and continues to this day. So in reality this is not just election interference since they do not have a hope of ever flipping the results, its all about raising money from the ignorant MAGA masses. Politicians and political operatives have found a cash cow and have milked it and continue to do so. Most of them will get to keep the money with a few suffering the consequences like Rudy, mostly because of their own stupidity like allowing Trump to stiff him for services rendered. Sidney Powell also raised Millions and nothing of any real consequence has happened to her and there are dozens of others.
White Christian Nationalism:
Freedom for us, order for everyone else, and violence for those who transgress.
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