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Old 07-10-2014, 12:06 AM
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BlueStreak BlueStreak is offline
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[QUOTE=Tom Joad;215717]Been there, done that.

Fuck States Rights.

Whenever a bagger uses the term "states rights" I know he is using it as an excuse to act like an asshole and this is the picture that pops up in my minds eye.

Exactly. Did some reading up on the Civil Rights movement lately. JFK hesitated to send federal forces into Alabama in 1961, to protect "Freedom Riders" because he was afraid it would be seen as a usurpation of "States Rights". But he ultimately came to the realization that the state government was so corrupt as to be in bed with the he had no choice, he had to act to ensure the safety of the riders and others there to support them as Americans first.

States Rights, carried to extremes, can and have been disastrous in the past.

At what point does the federal government step in and break the will of a tyrannical state government, to protect the rights and well-being of individual American citizens?

That is the question we should be asking.

But, half the country seems to see it backwards. They want to protect the bigots, the ruthlessly greedy and the bullies. It's their "Patriotic Duty", I hear.

"When the lie is so big and the fog so thick, the Republican trick can play out again....."-------Frank Zappa
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