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Old 01-05-2017, 08:18 AM
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donquixote99 donquixote99 is offline
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Most women want to have children, but 'later.' The procrastination results in fewer or no children in enough cases that the birthrate falls below replacement.

Another of those situations where individual interests and the 'welfare of the group' don't line up. If you think the 'welfare of the group' is real enough to limit some freedom for some people, a lot, you favor getting unprogressive here.

I think 'the welfare of the group' looms larger in people's minds when the group is biologically threatened, and smaller when it isn't. Some people are a lot more sensitive on this point than others. You are correct, progressive cultures that promote peace and prosperity are bad for group-centric ethics.

This leads to the authoritarian notion that 'war is the health of the state.' But I'd amend that to 'preparation for war is the health of the state.' Actual war in modern times is so destructive that it's not healthy for anyone or anything. So the tendency of authoritarians to seek war for 'the glory of the group' tends to be the worst thing of all for the group.
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