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Old 08-24-2011, 03:01 PM
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Originally Posted by bhunter View Post
I've yet to see a demonstrable green substitute for fossil fuels. The only viable choice is nuclear and that is on the back burner thanks to the environmental left. Solar panels, wind turbines, wave machines, geothermal all have limits and that's not even considering their cost effectiveness at delivering energy. The environmental costs of some of these supposed green technologies is perhaps worse than fossil fuel use. Big oil and large corporations would probably be the innovators in any change to energy alternatives, thus the environmentalists will still have ExxonMobil to bash.

Global Warming, Global Change was overly hyped by those that sought monetary advantage from its acceptance. Al Gore, green companies, Third World countries, and even the supposed objective scientists all had an interest to spread the gospel of global warming. Regardless of whether or not global warming is a long term threat, these groups sought to, and did, benefit in the short term. Global Warming morphed into a movement with almost religious overtones in its zeal and purported solutions to evil man's destruction of the environment.

I'm afraid that our future decedents will be looking back at these time with great discuss. Instead of looking ahead we are only looking to the right now. Or at least the next election cycle.

I still can't see where anybody can say the climate is not warmer then just a few years ago. But then again I have lived in this area as an adult and can remember what it was like in the 60's through now. No one can truly say man has not been an influence. But why take a chance right or wrong when we can do something now. If I'm wrong then we have just invented new technologies that could improve our lives. But if I'm right and nothing is done it might be to late by the time we realize it!

I'm a believer in if given a choice between the two options of going green or not. Then go with the one with the least amount of negative outcomes to the environment if at all possible. How could getting away from the oil/ natural gas dependency be really a bad thing anyway? It is normally cheaper to fix a problem if known about before it breaks. Some of the time when you wait till it is broken to fix it will take out other unforeseen items.

I mean even now we are messing up ground water across the nation "Fraking" for natural gas. Clean air and water two basic needs to sustain life we'all need to remember.

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