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Old 08-16-2017, 08:40 AM
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Originally Posted by finnbow View Post
It was the vast majority of the citizens of Charlottesville were peaceful in the midst of the unnecessary onslaught by the armed neo-Nazis. The events on Saturday in Charlottesville were not about a statue. The residents of Charlottesville are perfectly capable of determining whether a statue in their city should stay or go without any help from the rest of us.

On Saturday, Charlottesville was invaded by an army of thugs intent on making trouble. And they did, including killing a woman and injuring a number of other people. What happened in Charlottesville was a blatant display of bigotry on the part of the the alt-right, KKK, and neo-Nazis. They marched under Nazi flags, gave Nazi salutes, dressed in KKK regalia, and chanted racist and antisemitic slogans. They also arrived armed and equipped for confrontation. Your efforts to draw an equivalency between them and those who oppose him is both laughable and disgusting, as is your President.
Your entirely one-sided account just reinforces your bias, and that you're unable to have a rational discussion about this. Alternatively, here's a compilation of witness accounts. Sounds like a lot of bad behavior and "malice aforethought" on both sides to me.

As much as the white-supremacist crowd should rightfully be reviled, they had a right to be there, and that right was confirmed by court order prior to Saturday. If folks had just ignored them, this would not have been a national story. Sadly, a very sick man with a history of mental illness drove his car into a crowd of counter-protesters and killed someone, and injured others. The violence was already out of hand by then, however.

No one is trying to "equate" anything here. But before we can understand the true nature of an issue, there has to be a way to look at it objectively and honestly.
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