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Old 01-09-2017, 03:10 PM
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Originally Posted by finnbow View Post
So, anyone criticizing fake news at Breitbart, including the Dortmund Police and the Ruhr Nachrichten, are lefty journalists? Leave it to you to characterize real news in the Times or Post as fake news while characterizing fake news on Breitbart as real news. You sound more like Kellyanne Conway every day.
Because it often is, and you fall for it every time. Or, as in this case, you amplify it and embellish it. Just like the story that WaPo and NY Times ran quoting un-named sourced the "Putin intended to tip the election for Trump" has now been clearly shown to have been fake news.

In the meantime, Brietbart has doubled down on its reporting of events in Germany on New Year's Eve:

The headlines — which lean on the establishment media’s new “fake news” trope — fail to reflect that reporting from some of the very same outlets now blasting Breitbart News confirmed almost every substantive fact about the Breitbart London report on the issue: there were 1,000, mostly male, mostly non-native German people gathered in the Leeds Square; there were repeated chants of “Allahu Akbar”; the ‘Free Syrian Army’ flag was flown; and there was a fire at the St. Reinold’s Church caused by the fireworks. The only correction Breitbart London is happy to make is the age of the church, which does not constitute a substantive error in our reporting.

After actually reading the stories that the original Brietbart story was sourced from, the above statement is generally factual.

Originally Posted by finnbow View Post
Here's an article exposing the right (the primary disseminators and beneficiaries of fake news) for co-opting the term after the criticism they received in the wake of Pizzagate.

Fake news has a real meaning — deliberately constructed lies, in the form of news articles, meant to mislead the public. For example: The one falsely claiming that Pope Francis had endorsed Donald Trump, or the one alleging without basis that Hillary Clinton would be indicted just before the election...

“The speed with which the term became polarized and in fact a rhetorical weapon illustrates how efficient the conservative media machine has become,” said George Washington University professor Nikki Usher.

As Jeremy Peters wrote in the New York Times: “Conservative cable and radio personalities, top Republicans and even Mr. Trump himself . . . have appropriated the term and turned it against any news they see as hostile to their agenda.”

This article describes perfectly the purpose of this silly thread of yours.
You're accusing the right of doing what the left is actually doing. The concept of "fake news" and "alt-right" wasn't invented by the right. It was invented by the left. Using the "fake news" label is nothing more than an effort to curb freedom of speech and/or freedom of the press. Period.

It has the same DNA, for example, as the crazy left wing effort to link Sarah Palin to Jared Loughner. Or, the weeks long faux controversy over whether or not Anne Romney said "you people". Its an effort by the left to gin up a reason why Hillary lost the election. Its an effort by the left to blame some idiot going into a pizza joint and shoot off a gun on the right. It also comes from the same DNA as the media's effort to de-emphasize a story out of Chicago where kidnapped a disabled kid, restrained him, made him drink toilet water and make him say "F trump" and "F the police".

The left can't suppress the news out right...there's that darned 1st amendment in the way. So, as an alternative, they find a way to discredit news and news sources that oppose their point of view. The last thing that the left wants is an open debate.
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