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Old 08-30-2011, 07:58 AM
painter painter is offline
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Originally Posted by merrylander View Post
There was an interesting article in the Atlantic a couple of issues back. It was about how much free will do we all really possess. The author noted that the mass murder in that Texas university tower (sorry I have forgotten his name) left a note about strange thoughts. The autopsy turned up a tunor in his brain in an area governing one's volition.

I have always been curious about odd behaviour and people like those we call "Idiot savant". I remember one regarding a young man who had a measurably very low IQ yet upon hearing a piece of music once could play it, as well as sing it if it had words.

Dr. Wilder Penfiel a noted Canadian brain surgeon was operating on a patient one time and the following occured. The patient was conscious with his head held in a precise position. Part of the skull was opened so that probes could be inserted. (They tell me that the brain has no feeling.) Dr. Penfield was seeking the precise area of the brain to treat and energized the probe. The patient lifted his arm and when Dr. Penfield asked him about it the patient said "Yes, my arm lifted but I did not will it to do so."

Is that an argument for the human soul? I will leave you to ponder that.
As a matter a fact...I just read that article. If you get chance...look up left brain/right brain issues. I have been experimenting with my painting styles and found it most interesting.
Gov. big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have.
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