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Old 03-04-2017, 03:32 PM
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Tom Joad Tom Joad is offline
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Originally Posted by icenine View Post
Progressive change in America is only brought about through institutions when the middle class is threatened. Now the people who voted for Trump may have fallen out of the middle class or feel like they might soon. But Trump is not the one who will bring about the change they want. Only an establishment can.
No real change ever comes from the establishment.

As for the middle class, they are the ruling classes insurance policy against them being put to the Guillotine. The ruling class knows that most people will accept the status quo if they are allowed a few crumbs from their table.

Take yourself. You would never revolt against the status quo as long as you have your navy pension, tricare, and a cushy government job. You've been paid off. That's why you are a supporter of the same shit, different day corporate Democrats.

Take those away and you would become a so************************t overnight.
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend."
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