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Old 02-18-2020, 11:25 AM
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Dondilion Dondilion is offline
Join Date: May 2009
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When Trump was a presidential candidate he correctly noted that the US economy was a huge bubble: ever-growing deficits, massive debts in many sectors. Additionally, he noted the manipulation of economic metrics, for example those relating to unemployment.

When Trump became president, he quickly claimed the same bogus economic numbers and increased the bubble with tax giveaways and massive spendings (especially military).

The anti Trumpers were hoping for an economic debacle before the election. One of them openly called for recession.

So why has the economy not collapsed, despite Trump's economic negatives?
The people benefiting from Trump's giveaways and continued printing of fiat are people who are close to and early in the system.
The bulk of Trump's handout has not reached the man on the street to cause inflation; it has been invested in the stock market, luxury goods and stuffed abroad.
Moreover both Obama's and Trump's bubbles have been facilitated by US Goodwill, buttressed by Nixon's deal with the Saudis making the US dollar the reserve currency of the world; US big influence in the most important monetary institutions - world bank, IMf, SWIFT.
So the world still buys US debt, despite US poor economic markings.

Essentially, it is Trump's economy. He has it for 3 plus years. If it had imploded?

Last edited by Dondilion; 02-18-2020 at 12:06 PM.
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