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Old 07-18-2011, 05:12 PM
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flacaltenn flacaltenn is offline
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Location: Nashville, Tennessee
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Welcome EvaLuna:

I think I can agree with Brad that there is waaay too much politics in public school. It's a huge distraction and counter productive to the goals of inspiring kids to learn. That's a Public school problem -- not a private school problem. So naturally, folks would be happier if there was LESS activism and intervention and that leads me to choose more choice for consumers to go "private".

I didn't.. But I got to choose where to live in ALL of America. And I chose a county that had the best schools.

For those without choice -- if their choices suck --- they should get a voucher (if they care to ask for one) because they don't have time to argue or wait for fixes. That was the INTENT of NCLB -- but not the reality.

We also need SERVICES -- not related to education -- to work seamlessly to assist students/families in those challenged areas. Not a one-size Fed Program. But a realization that it's not an indication of educational failure. Just a failure to admit that MANY problems exist and need attention.. Don't ask the schools to do it all..
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