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Old 08-04-2018, 08:50 PM
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Originally Posted by finnbow View Post
The whole fake brouhaha about the IRS targeting conservative non-profits was about the IRS looking into (nearly) full-time political advocacy of groups that were supposedly non-profit pushing the envelope far beyond what the tax laws envisioned.
Originally Posted by finnbow View Post
Bullshit. The whole IRS brouhaha had its genesis in the Obama IRS wanting to be more strict in allowing (thinly disguised wingnut) social welfare groups to do political work while retaining their tax exempt status.
Well, since you changed the topic and want to talk about the IRS....

This is where you demonstrate that you're clearly off the rails. Having the IRS involved in "scrutinizing" these groups further exemplifies just how screwed up this entire process is. Giving these groups tax exempt status puts the IRS in a position of being further politicized than it already is.

I'll go so far as to say that of all the gov't agencies I've worked with, the IRS is actually the least screwed up, and possibly (again, compared to other agencies) possibly even leans towards a very, very slight shade of "consumer least for a gov't agency.

That said, having the bureaucracy of the IRS responsible for managing part of the political process is laughable. In other words, if you were "king for a day" and had the opportunity to redesign campaign financing and contributions with from scratch, would you insert the IRS anywhere in the process. Hell NO! At least not if you were able to form anything close to a coherent thought.

Second, your suggestion that the "whole IRS brouhaha" was "fake"? Good lord, man. What have you been smoking? The IRS totally screwed up part of the political process and negatively impacted the free speech rights of both conservative and liberal interest groups alike.

Now, in the third audit of how the tax-exempt application process went off the rails, the Treasury Department's inspector general overseeing the IRS has found the agency targeted not just conservatives but also scores of groups with words like "progressive" in their names.

The Treasury inspector general for tax administration, or TIGTA, did the report at the request of a bipartisan group of senators.

"The far right has been beating a drum for years now that there was a partisan attack on them," said Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., one of the requestors. He said the new report shows "that's just not true."

But the TIGTA audit didn't absolve the IRS. Wyden said the overall picture was "equal opportunity mismanagement and equal opportunity bedlam."

That all of this happened in an election year simply gave the Republicans grist for the mill. And rightly so, because if somehow Romney had figured out how to run a decent campaign and had found a way to beat Obama, it would have been the left screaming for Lois Lerner's head.

Originally Posted by finnbow View Post
You truly are a disingenuous tool.
Pretty typical that when you run out of anything remotely intelligent to say, you resort to name-calling. LOL!
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