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Old 08-21-2014, 11:21 AM
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Zeke Zeke is offline
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"Why aren't we allowed to live? Why is it that once our lives are taken, our mistakes are used as a reason to justify our killing?"

1. Your mistakes.
2. Because you chose them.

The problem is that the author, knee deep in rationalization, is trying to draw parallels between herself and a social class (not defined by race but racists always make it so) who deserves what they get for their choices.

To wit, "If only he (Brown) had complied....

He (Brown) smoked, he drank, he stole....

He (Brown) was 'bad.'"

Well, he certainly wasn't good and in trying to draw a linear comparison to themselves all anyone does is report personal belief that such is okay.

It's not.

You're only Mike Brown if you embrace him. If you embrace him, appropriate social repercussion is by your choice.

3. Social adults live with that.
4. Social children write whiny op eds.
5. Social apologists reprint them on web boards.
"American" means calling everyone who disagrees with you a traitor?
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