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Old 03-11-2019, 10:55 AM
Ike Bana Ike Bana is offline
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Originally Posted by finnbow View Post
Your sensitivity to anything and everything that could be construed as criticism of Israel seems to have attracted you to a cynical ploy by the Right to capitalize on Omar's comments.

From the article:

In the U.S. today a ‘supporter of Israel’ is much more likely to be an evangelical Christian Republican than a Jew.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who is Jewish, said in a statement he is not buying the GOP effort to “equate anti-Semitism with legitimate criticism of the right wing, Netanyahu government in Israel.”

In your eyes, is criticism of Bibi for his recent statement that "'...the State of Israel belongs to the Jewish people alone' in response to a comment by Israeli actress Rotem Sela, who wrote on social media that Israel is a country of all its citizens" anti-Semitic?
Why TF are we talking about Bibi? I'm no fan of Bibi. Can you produce a single post of mine where I defended Bibi? He's the fucking Donald Trump of Israel politics. And his staying power, based on his aggressiveness, is only evidence of how fearful most Israelis are of their friendly neighbors who only want peace. The 90% approval rating of the IDF is similar confirmation. Are Israeli Jews paranoid. You bet they are. And it's a healthy paranoia, based in their experience. In the same way as the healthy paranoia of American blacks when it comes to a country half full of white Christian confederates that put Trump in the Whitehouse. And who have filled the Congress half full of bigot Republican politicians, Trump criminal enterprise co-conspirators.

Bibi is a convenient tangential distraction. The issue is Ilhan Omar's repeated use of anti-Semitic tropes, her references to disloyalty, and the repeated references to Benjamins (read Jewish money), influence (read Jewish power), and intelligence (read Jewish "wileyness").

Not to mention her attack on Barack Obama. Apparently his approval of drone attacks and Seal Team incursions to take out terrorists is a problem. It appears done attacks on terrorists are murder regardless of the behavior of the target.

Last edited by Ike Bana; 03-11-2019 at 11:10 AM.
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