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ebacon 10-25-2012 07:49 PM

The advertising side of politics
Here is some fun with the advertising side of politics.

You guys know what symmetry is. Well there is a body of statistical mathematics that studies human attraction to symmetry. You guys know it but you don't know it.

On average are we attracted to:
People that have a lazy eye? No.
People that are missing a limb? No.
People that are . . .

You get the picture.

Here is a post on YouBeauty.com that compares Obama and Romney symmetry. It hints at the intersection of statistics, advertising, and politics.


BlueStreak 10-25-2012 08:05 PM

Forboding music,

Dim black and white images of dead kittens, their skulls crushed, a crack pipe and an empty Night Train bottle laying nearby.

A bolt of lightning ushers in a Satanic voice;

"President Obama wants to take your money and give more welfare to gay crackheads who get their jollies murdering kittens. Obama-sodomites-your money-welfare-crackheads-dead kittens.

Do you get it now?"

Cue up the happy music and the voice of a man who sounds like he just got laid;

"This message paid for by "True God-fearing and Patriotic Great Americans for a Crack Smoking Fag Free America".:rolleyes:


BlueStreak 10-25-2012 08:24 PM

"The day Barack Obama was elected was the darkest day in American history.
Americas future went black that day as 47% of the people decended into dependence on welfare and foodstamps. Now, the only things that sell are watermelon, Newports and Steel Reserve.

Obama looks out for his homies, but is he looking out for your cute little pink faced babies? No, he's trying to stick them with the bill.

Help us keep the darkness from descending on America."

(This ad brought to you by the No, We're not Making Racial Inferences, so stop calling us Racists Foundation)


ebacon 05-24-2018 09:49 PM


Thanks for posting. It took me six years to digest your posts but we are still here talking politics. That alone is a testament of our love for public good -- the body politic.

A comedian made a comment that brought me back to this thread. The comment was along the line of what will Americans do when foreigners no longer want to emigrate to America? That question is profound IMO because it rephrases the difficult question of when has a party become so richly drunk and ugly that outsiders avoid it?

Party hosts know the worry. The inflection point happens when they want their own party to retire for the night. The film "Trading Places" expresses the moment for me:


I am volunteering for my second political campaign and my worry is how to help my candidate while letting swing voters enjoy peace and quiet.

On a more national and general level, I am afraid that the profitability of advertising for persuasion sake has replaced the value of quiet leadership by example. Immigrants may avoid America for the simple reason that we are too loud.

I dunno.

nailer 05-25-2018 11:23 AM

They will come as long as there are better economic opportunities, more freedom and better governance here.

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