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Oerets 08-25-2022 05:41 AM

Student Loan forgivness BS!
Anyone else feel as I do. Do care for those who are faced with mounting debt from going to collage.

Just that forgiving repayment, be that it may be a good thing to do. The student took on the responsibility. Knowing full well the consequences, it is not the rest of our's fault. Is the government now going to give a credit to those who want to be students?

If there is a out crying at the costs of higher education. Then attack there benefiting all. Give higher education credits with strings attached, like public service or similar. Repayment in the future if and when you are successful.

A student who goes to collage gets a degree then faces little prospects once degree is in hand. Picking the wrong path, choosing to get a degree in a field thinking little on a job that pays well. Because they liked the subject never taking the boring courses just the fun ones.

The there is the fact a new teacher being paid subsistence salaries at best. Then the hours expected required to perform the duties of teaching. Providing supplies needed at times. So the salaries in the job market also has to be addressed.

Attack the costs, system of higher education and salaries in this country.

donquixote99 08-25-2022 06:21 AM

There is a huge social pressure/obligation for young people of middle-class aspirations to go to college. Because of inexperience and lack of effective guidance, they are in many cases unable to realistically assess career options, or the not-obvious connections to educational choices. Class privilege plays a huge role in career prospects, a thing that America is in denial about and does not talk about. Families that have not broken into the higher income strata must depend on the loan programs for a shot at social mobility, or even stability. The student loan program, coupled with the huge and inelastic demand for college education, basically created the huge inflation in tuition. Costs were free to rise to with no effective limit to available funding. Then the students were stuck bearing the burden of the huge costs created by the easy availability of loan money.

Education and its funding should be rethought and radically reformed. But the intent and power to do that are not obviously available. Incremental reform is more possible. This loan forgiveness is one step. It is a just counterpart to the gigantic tax cuts made available to the upper class in recent years, an extension of social benefit to the general public.

barbara 08-25-2022 07:06 AM

I'm not comfortable with the forgiveness program either. But, I do like the part where they restructure the repayment program for school loans..... sort of. I see long term challenges with that too.

Rajoo 08-25-2022 08:16 AM

I am not in favor of this just another "Feel Good" program that solves nothing long term. What about the students who borrowed and paid back? Or the ones borrowing in the future?

Then there are the bad bets, borrowed a lot of money to get a degree which has little market value instead of opting for trade school.

This reminds of the DACA program, does very little while giving the Party of NO live ammunition.

Oerets 08-25-2022 08:53 AM

I feel to much emphasis and prestige also attached to a college degree. Know of students who go many $$K in debt to find in little the way of good jobs hiring. Or take a job in another field to make ends meet.

If a provision was to receive the payout to give back community service, or future down the road pay back. After all it was a contract signed. They could of joined the military to get an education also.

I see this as a handout to a few. Then again big business gets handed sweetheart deals on our dime all the time. So maybe a little equalization.

Oerets 08-25-2022 09:01 AM

OBTW I tutored in college back in the 70's and can only speak of that time with confidence.

Little was done to stop the accepting students into the schools if they were getting a grant or GI Bill or others types of secured payments. They would put them into classes knowing they would fail. I would be going over advanced math skills with a basic level at best pupil. The school would just use up the money moving them around till it ran out.

Schools I figure have not improved rather gotten worse. So they are a big source of the problem also.

RickeyM 08-25-2022 11:00 AM

How much is the usual or average loan debt students carry nowadays? What percent of this debt does $10K cover?
Another question and I know we're all about capitalism and such but couldn't the interest on student loans be capped at a reasonable rate.

init4fun 08-25-2022 01:10 PM

Meh, , we give out enough $$$ to the rest of the world, spending a few $ here at home don't raise any eyebrows here....... :p


init4fun 08-25-2022 01:12 PM

And if they go for some medical debt relief too, that ain't gonna raise my blood pressure either...... ;)

Pio1980 08-25-2022 01:15 PM

Given that the usual suspects give themselves and their peer group tax breaks and cripple collection enforcement, it's kinda difficult to get pissed about "little people" who actually pay them getting a break.

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